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1. Taxonomy

NetInsert employs a hierachical address system based on numbers separated by periods. The address specifies a subject category, a geographical region, and a language in the NetInsert taxonomy. The general form of an address is:

For example, the category address: 554., has country = 554, region = 0, directory = 1, category = 2, subcategory = 3, and type = 1. A description of the address properties is given in the table below.

Address property Description
Country ISO code for the country. For a list of all ISO codes click here. The country code 0 implies "all countries" meaning the "World" country.
Region Code for a region within a country. Since there are no standardized region codes, NetInsert uses official lists of states and territories in a country, numbered in alphabetical order. The region code 0 implies "all regions" meaning the country itself.
Directory Directory identifier, see directory codes below.
Category Ordinal for a subject category. The ordinal has no specific ordering. The position of the ordinal within the category address sequence indicates at which hierarchical level the subject is defined.
Type The type for a subject category. A final category has the value 0, a protected category the value 1, and a public category the value 2. A further explanation of category types is given below.

2. Directory codes

At present, there are two directories using the NetInsert taxonomy. Each directory is uniquely identified by a code (integer value) in the category address. The code that identifies a directory is the given by the third number in the category address.

Code Directory Description
1 NetInsert official directory The main directory at All web domains can by default index one web page in this directory.
2 NetInsert free directory Directory at where an unlimited number of pages can be indexed for a domain. The main purpose is to provide an indexing service for domains which are hosts to many different web pages such as ISPs and Universities etc.

3. Category Types

The color of a link to a category in NetInsert is defined to tell something about the category. For example, web pages can only be added to categories which have blue links. Categories which have green links can not index web pages. A category with a brown link is the root category (or "Index" category) of a geographical directory.

The color of a category is determined by its type. The table below gives an overview of the relationship between color, type, and properties for a category.

Link color Type Description
Brown Final Root category in a geograhical directory. Web pages can not be added to the category. Subcategories can not be created in the category. The category can not be deleted.
Green Final Web pages can not be added to the category. Subcategories can not be created in the category. The category can not be deleted.
Blue Protected Web pages can be added to the category. Subcategories can be created in the category. The category can not be deleted.
Blue Public Category created by Internet users. Web pages can be added to the category. Subcategories can be created in the category. The category can be deleted if there are no pages indexed in the category.

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